Derby Cathedral School

Great Northern Road, Derby, Derbyshire

Client:BAM Construction Sector:Development Infrastructure, Education Services:Civil Engineering Link Design Lead:Robert Gill

Link was appointed to support BAM Construction with the associated offsite S278 works relating to the construction of the Derby Cathedral School, Derby. Offsite works were to involve the full detailed design and technical approval with Derby City Council of the following packages of works;

  • Site Access works consisting of a new give way priority bellmouth, including alterations to the existing footway and modifications to the existing Traffic Regulation Order. 
  • Junction improvement to the offsite junction between Great Northern Road and Uttoxeter Old Road to the west of the development area, predominantly in the form of modification to the existing road markings to improve junction visibility. 
  • Junction alterations to the Great Northern Road and Uttoxeter New Road arrangement to provide improved junction capacity as this is the principal route to the School, as per the General Arrangement extract below. 

Works on all three areas of offsite modifications included Civil 3D, pavement, drainage, signage and street lighting designs including an assessment of existing utility apparatus potentially affected by the works, submitted for Technical Approval by Derby City Council. Stage 2 Road Safety Audit was to be completed to support Technical Approval as necessary at the appropriate time. 

Team Member Contact

Robert Gill


MEng (Hons) CEng MICE