Civil Engineering Design

Link provide a comprehensive range of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure design services to commercial and public sector clients across the UK.

Our diverse range of Civil Engineering expertise through decades of experience equips Link to approach developments within the Logistics & Manufacturing, Development Infrastructure and Residential, sectors with confidence in being able to provide a proactive, efficient and consistent engineering solutions to whatever problem may present itself.

Our engineers appreciate the commercial imperatives to deliver value robustly. At Link, our approach to development is not orientated on the business but instead also focus on the development of every member of the team, encouraging the learning and development of new skills. This ensures that our team keep up to date with the latest design philosophies and modelling software, to provide the best possible level of service to our clients.

As a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy, Link works closely with architects and other construction professionals throughout the design and construction phases delivering modern design practices to clients.

Individual Services

Link and Junction design including priority, traffic signalised, roundabout and grade separate junctions to DMRB.

Link road (The founding concepted for Link’s name) and Junction designs to and from places of interest (Homes, places of work and recreational leisure) are governed by design standards. Although these design standards may vary geographically, they are all founded on the base principles of design set out in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridge (DMRB) for trunk road design. Link engineers deploy our extensive knowledge and experience of using DMRB from the initial planning design stages of concept design right through to the final handover of schemes, ensuring that the most appropriate design solution is provided in the interest of all stake holders. Utmost in our design rationale is the consideration of safety for all parties in constructing, using and maintaining the highway. Design services provided by Link of strategic infrastructure to DMRB can included the below and many more:
  • CD 109 – Highway link design
  • CD 116 – Geometric design of roundabouts
  • CD 122 – Geometric design of grade separated junctions
  • CD 123 – Geometric design of at-grade priority and signal-controlled junctions
  • CD 127 – Cross-sections and headrooms
Local Highway Authorities, utilise these documents as their core foundation to their bespoke design guides. Link engineers have experience in work with over 75 local highway authorities undertaking offsite and onsite adopted highway designs, with each potentially having their own slight variation to DMRB. It is this experience that allows Link to tailor our approach to highway design for our clients depending on location. This is essential to expediting the design process.

Offsite highway improvement schemes (Section 278)

Understanding the opportunities and constraints within an existing highway arrangement is essential in provide an appropriate design solution to all stakeholders when designing S278 works. “Before you can move forward you must understand where you have come from”. Modifications to an existing highway is generally expected, from enhancement of Non-Motorised User route to the provision of strategic interchanges, as all developments seek connection to the public highway for access and egress. These works within the limits of the highway boundary (S278 Works) are often heavily constrained by 3rd Parties, utilities and various safety considerations. Understanding the clients brief, design standards and any obligations required through planning consent, allow Link engineers to take wide approach when securing Technical Approval, challenging the status quo in design with our collaborative approach to it. This is supported by our understanding of DMRB.

Onsite adoptable (Section 38) and private highway designs

From the limits of the existing highway boundary, proposed new highway infrastructure is formed under a S38 agreement of the Highways Act 1980. Key consideration during master planning shapes the concept and layout principally around the mean of access and egress to the site and within general circulation of it. Where roads are to be adopted, these not only form the conduits for the flow of people, but form the corridors for utilities and drainage in and around the site and should respect the principles of designs set out as part of the planning consent for a development, including Foul and Surface water and SUDS design. Link engineers understanding of DRMB and local highway requirement allow design and approval to work in the interest of maintaining a development placemaking desire with the aspiration of providing a safe and appropriate highway for adoption purposes. Often these aspect don’t always see eye to eye.

Lighting, signage and carriageway marking design

At Link we consider and detail a wide variety of street furniture to facilitate safe use and maintenance of the public highway; be it footways for pedestrians or vehicular motorways. Considered street lighting designs are tailored by Link engineers to specifically address constraints and opportunities for projects and client across all sectors, whilst essentially taking into consideration the three pillars of sustainability (Social, Economic and Environmental). These designs can form part of our strategic highway provisions under S278 and S38 design and are required to comply with various levels of geographic and national design standards. An essential element to the safe use and operation of a highway, is the clear and concise instructions presented by compliant and enforceable road signage and road marking designs. Road sign and marking designs to TSRGD (The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016) is fundamental to promoting good driver behaviour with in the confines of the legal requirements put forward by a specific sign and / or marking. A further element of street furniture to promote the safe use of the highway is the provision of large face Advance Direction Signs (ADS) which are generally required as part of strategic trunk road design Link and Junction design. These signs are designed to advise drivers of an upcoming scenario to ensure that drivers prepare appropriately for safe manoeuvring.

S278 Utility diversion co-ordination

Often the introduction of a development leads to a conflict with existing utility apparatus, either within the site or most commonly as the site access. Understanding how an existing utility is impacted by a development and its associated works (S278 highway works) allows Link engineers to present comprehensive and complete picture to begin negations with the utility companies. Development is increasingly constrained and quickly identifying utilities which may restrict a scheme and highlighting their potential protection and /or diversions can influence the shape, viability and successful construction of a project. Identifying a prompt solution to managing existing utilities helps to accurately inform cost plans and development programmes to meet the expectations of our clients. At Link we help to specify and undertake the following:
  • Procurement of 3rd Party topography and utility surveys.
  • C2 Desktop utility searches
  • C3 Budget diversion estimates
  • Utility cross-section to inform diversions

Onsite adoptable foul and surface water (Section 104, S185) and private drainage designs

The engineers at Link have an extensive knowledge and wealth of experience in providing a full range drainage advice and design services; for both adopted and private foul and surface water drainage networks. Leading on from our potential earlier involvement during site appraisals at the planning through potential adoption into construction, Link will seek to provide the most appropriate and cost effective design solution whilst complying with the Lead Local Flood Authority (SUDS), Environment Agency and adopting water company requirements. These site specific and tailored adopted foul and surface drainage designs, support the potential discharge of planning conditions, Technical Approval for adoption and Construction. This is through the use of recognised modern and industry leading design software, aimed at making the design process as simple and efficient as possible. For adoption (S104); drainage networks are hydraulically modelled with CAD drawings of the layout, manhole schedules, longsections and construction details prepared to support the legal agreement between the developer and the adopting water company. Foul and surface water drainage designs via gravity and /or pumped sewer networks, can be designed to discharge to both adopted mains and non-mains sewered areas, including rivers, ditches, infiltration systems (field drains, infiltration basins), treatment works and many more. Normally a solution will present itself. Private foul and surface water drainage designs which are in accordance with Building Regulation Part H, seek to provide a cost efficient design with ease of operation and maintenance in mind to minimise liability on the final land users. We develop and design private surface and foul water drainage systems for small private residential developments through to large scale logistics and industrial developments.

3D Levels , Volumetric Cut/Fill & Concept Visualisation

Utilising AutoDesk Civils 3D as our primary 3D modelling software, Link are able to quickly and dynamically prepare an existing 3D surface of the site from topographical surveys to begin shaping the physical environment to suit the site levels, drainage and material quality/quantity requirement for each specific development. Volumetric assessments of a proposed development provides a key insight of internal material handling within a site and indeed any potential import/export of bulk material to form a working development area. Careful consideration of the proposed development layouts and levels includes and requires the understanding of highway, drainage, external works and SUDS designs to accurately develop a finished 3D model of a site. Using the model Link can estimate the quantity of surface/subsurface materials and can advise on the anticipated engineered import and export of material the construct the development formation. This allows site levels to be manipulated to meet a volumetric cut/fill balance providing an optimal engineered solution incorporating the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environment and social). The visual impact of the developed environment, particularly within a rural context, requires careful consideration and planning to minimise the effect on others from various vantage points. 3D concept visualisations built from a 3D design surface can be presented within a virtual environment to understand how a proposed development would sit within it surroundings. AutoDesk Infraworks allows development sites to be placed with a virtual real world environment allowing views from various vantage points to be considered along with animated fly through to be generate. These are invaluable in demonstrating a potential development to various stakeholders.

External works, hardstandings, car parks roadways and concrete yard design

External works designs including hardstanding’s, car parks, roadways and concrete service yards, Link seek to bring forward the placemaking aspirations of the various clients and architects we work with. At Link we aim to support these whilst providing a cost efficient and easily maintained design solution, whilst respecting Building Regulations Part M and where necessary in accordance with NHBC guidelines. This is aided by careful client co-ordination which is considered essential in ensuring our clients expectations are met. From 40,000 sq. ft of reinforced logistical distribution service yards to retaining walls, steps, exposed brickwork and tanking (although these try to be avoided), Link provides fully detailed engineering design drawing to support the effective tender and construction of development through out the UK.

Retaining structures and ground slopes stability

As part of our 3D level and External Works designs, Link Engineers are able to provide a detailed understanding of the requirements for retaining features and slopes with a development area. Our engineers holistic approach provides effective and cost efficient retaining wall designs across a wide and varied range of expertise. At Link we can advise on the most suitable type of retaining walls and can provide both bespoke engineered designs and/or support proprietary product designs were required. Key to any retaining wall design are the calculations to verify soil conditions, sliding, overturning, bearing capacity and overall stability of a wall. These can be provided and where necessary Link will obtain specialist geotechnical engineering advice where required through trusted partners in the industry.

More Services

Planning Support

Link provide a variety of pre-planning services to support clients through Local and NPPF requirements.

Structural Engineering Design

Link provide a range of structural engineering services to commercial and public sector clients.

Building Investigation

Link provide a range of structural engineering services which investigate the structural form and condition of existing buildings.


Our experienced engineers offer expert witness and various other legal services.

Link offers a variety of expert services at all points of a project, providing consistent and effective engineering solutions to our clients.

Our Work

The directors and engineers at Link have extensive experience of a wide range of projects including several major projects with construction values exceeding £100m.

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What Link can offer you?

We’re always happy to have an initial chat about your needs, whether you have a project you’d like some advice on, or you’re looking for a career opportunity with us. Please get in touch and a member of our senior management team will contact you.