PLanning Support

Link provide a variety of pre-planning services to support and guide our clients through Local and NPPF requirements. Having an engineering input at such a key point of the design process allows a wider review of constraints and opportunities to be considered to optimise and enhance development potential from the outset.

Individual Services

Outline adopted access / offsite highway mitigations

We apply our engineering knowledge and extensive expertise in providing outline advice and input to a breadth of clients across the country to support feasibility and planning designs of primary access works and offsite highway mitigations. This enables an engineering and road safety opinion to be viewed crucially at an early stage of design process to address constraints and opportunities which may not have otherwise been identified.

Master-planning highways input

Review of the architectural masterplan in assessing forward, junction and pedestrian visibility, allows a client design team to accurately allocate land for development to meet Local and / or National Design Standard. This includes swept path assessments of refuse and fire tender access. Doing such an assessment early on allows a fair allocation of land for development to be presented, limiting the need for variation at detailed design.

Site access appraisals

Assessing various options for access allows all constraints and opportunities to be challenged to ensure that the most appropriate access form and arrangement is carried forwards. Additionally, a feasibility assessment on a site access can be undertaken at this concept stage and would include:
  • Preliminary design prepared with assumptions.
  • Bill of Quantities and Rate to assess construction cost.
  • C2 / C3 Diversion estimate to assess impact on existing utilities.
  • 3rd Party design cost and fees to secure Technical Approval.

Departures from Standard recognition

In the rare circumstance a design can not be provided to National Highways Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, a preliminary or formal Departure from Standard application can be prepared to support planning and/or detailed design approval. Appropriate justification and consideration to towards the potential impact on road safety (for all stakeholders) is detailed and assessed.

Road Safety Audit designer response and accident analysis

Road Safety Audits from planning (Stage 1) right through to design and construction (Stage 2 & 3) are key independent Road Safety assessment on design to ensure that all aspects are appropriately considered. Where problems are identified, Link will considered the safe and appropriate action with justification as to the suitability of the solution for adopting approval. Road Traffic Accident analysis forms a large part in understanding driver behaviour and habit in relation to Road Safety.

Flood Risk Assessments

Flood Risk Assessments identify the potential risk sources of flood to a development area and seeks to outline potential mitigation measures and justification confirming why development is appropriate to proceed, whilst meeting Local and National government planning advice and requirements. This is usually in conjunction with a Foul & Surface water strategy and SUDs design to demonstrate effective management of water not only from the surrounding area but from the site itself.

Foul and surface water drainage strategies

Hydraulic modeling of water flow through a development, from receptor to outfall, is key in understanding the extent of the primary infrastructure required to service a development in knowing;
  • Pipe Diameters and Lengths.
  • Manhole/Inspection chambers diameters.
  • Flow Control Chamber formats.
  • Proprietary Products to protect and manage water quality and flow.
  • Proprietary pump station design (private and adopted).

Sustainable drainage design (SUDS)

Sustainable Urban Drainage System design take various forms and should always be considered in relation to the three pillars of sustainability (Environmental, Social and Economic). These systems help manage both water quality and quantity in accordance with CIRIA 753 SUDS Manual design and considers construction, operation and maintenance of proposed systems

Definition of extent of ground investigations

Link can support a development in scoping and specifying a ground investigation to target specific aspects of investigation to support the potential Civil and Structural design solutions likely to be available for any given site.

Transport and Environment

We work collaboratively with transport planning providers in preparing transportation strategies to support planning applications for new developments. We appreciate the challenges faced by developers, land promotors and the wider property industry during the life cycle of a planning application and can support our clients with transport and environmental considerations.

Air and Acoustics

Whether you require some initial due diligence advice, a feasibility study, Environmental statement or a full Environmental Impact Assessment, our colleagues at Air & Acoustics will be able to help. Give them a call.

More Services

Civil Engineering Design

Link provide a comprehensive range of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure design services.

Structural Engineering Design

Link provide a range of structural engineering services to commercial and public sector clients.

Building Investigation

Link provide a range of structural engineering services which investigate the structural form and condition of existing buildings.


Our experienced engineers offer expert witness and various other legal services.

Link offers a variety of expert services at all points of a project, providing consistent and effective engineering solutions to our clients.

Our Work

The directors and engineers at Link have extensive experience of a wide range of projects including several major projects with construction values exceeding £100m.

Do you want to find out more about

What Link can offer you?

We’re always happy to have an initial chat about your needs, whether you have a project you’d like some advice on, or you’re looking for a career opportunity with us. Please get in touch and a member of our senior management team will contact you.