Hawton Lane, New Balderton, Newark
Link was appointed by Lovell Homes to undertake the design of the highway and drainage elements of a residential development in Newark, comprising of 309 new homes.
Link completed the production of a package of work to supplement the reserved matters application, which included:
- Horizontal Geometry Assessment and masterplanning support and input
- Swept Path Analysis
- Proposed Levels Design
- Proposed Drainage Design
- Cut and Fill/Earthworks Design
This site was very complex with regards to the earthworks strategy due to the existing land use leaving foundry sands on site, the shape of the site and the site being very flat. Considering all of these factors, Link devised a detailed earthworks strategy, outlining the movements of the different materials on site. There was particular attention paid to the re-use of materials to minimise the material removed from site.

Team Member Contact

Robert Gill
MEng (Hons) CEng MICE