Overstone green

A43, Overstone Green, Northampton

Client:L&Q Estates Sector:Development Infrastructure Services:Civil Engineering Link Design Lead:Robert Gill

Link was instructed on the development of a new 86 hectare residential development of circa 1600 dwellings. Building on our relationship with L&Q Estates who are working in partnership with Davidson Homes, onsite works involved the Section 38 residential spine roads, Section 104 drainage design and full technical approval packages. This residential infrastructure also consists of strategic footway and cycleway links which connect with all residential parcels, as well as amenity features such as ponds, swales and Local Equipped Areas for Play.

Link was also commissioned to undertake the Section 278 works which comprised a 4-arm 70m ICD roundabout, tying back into the existing A43 carriageway. In due course, the A43 single carriageway will become a dual carriageway, so we were also commissioned to design a footway/cycleway that met the same line and level for the future dual carriageway but for the current single carriageway works. This involved a complex design to ensure the levels would work with both the single and dual carriageway scenario.

Team Member Contact

Robert Gill


MEng (Hons) CEng MICE