New Office Celebration

In September we welcomed some of our clients and contacts to visit and enjoy our new Birmingham office. The weather was on our side and those who attended enjoyed networking with drinks in the sunshine on the wonderful roof terrace of our office building.
We had a local company The Park Playground set up their virtual reality gaming station in the office, which was great fun and enjoyed by all who were brave enough to give it a try!
My Flamingos provided a wonderful mobile bar serving a variety of cocktails, mocktails and drinks. We kept the food simple yet delicious with some Indian snacks from a Nakodar Sweets. The event organisation was supported by our good friend Brian Chappelhow, Chappelhow Marketing & Events.
At Link we find it so important to enjoy who we work with so the event provided the perfect way to celebrate the new office space we’ve worked hard to create.
We look forward to welcoming more of our network in the near future.