Terms and Conditions

  1. Link Engineering will make every effort to meet the programme for the work, but cannot accept any responsibility for delays or consequential loss outside the control of Link Engineering.
  2. Link Engineering shall conduct or execute the services or works in a diligent and professional manner commensurate with industry standards and shall show due reasonable care throughout this process.
  3. Invoices will be rendered monthly on a fixed fee or time charge basis at the scale of rates shown below, or as otherwise agreed in writing.
  4. Fixed fees – these include all reasonable general expenses such as travel, subsistence, etc, but disbursement item costs (such as other professional fees, courier costs, high volume or colour copying etc) will be billed additionally where incurred. Additional duties, input or work to that originally quoted for will attract further fee charges, though these will be discussed and agreed with the client prior to Link Engineering proceeding. Bulk Printing is excluded from all fixed fees.
  5. Time charge fees – invoices will include reimbursable costs and expenses associated with the work for travel, accommodation, subsistence, printing, computing and any other reasonable expenses. Charge out rates as defined below.
  6. If the Client requires Link Engineering to enter into collateral warranties after appointment is confirmed, an additional minimum charge of £750 will apply to cover legal and other input.
  7. The company shall effect professional indemnity insurance for a period of six years from the completion of the services or works unless otherwise stated in the proposal letter or email, provided that such insurance is available in the market for such services at commercially reasonable terms and rates.
  8. The amount of professional indemnity insurance to be carried by the company shall be five million pounds unless otherwise stated in our proposal, or otherwise agreed to by Deed of Warranty. The company shall not be liable for any consequential losses incurred by the client.
  9. In the event of the company being proved negligent, the extent of the liability of the company shall be limited to ten times the contract value to Link Engineering .
  10. The scale of rates will be reviewed on 1 January 2024, but Link Engineering reserves the right to amend the scale of rates to an interim date should circumstances so require.
  11. Disbursements will be recharged to the Client at cost plus a 15% or £150 handling charge, whichever is the greater. Payment of disbursements to be agreed between Link Engineering and the client prior to 3rd party appointment. Link Engineering reserve the right to refuse to pay 3rd party disbursements should the value be considerable.
  12. VAT will be applied at the current rate on all invoices rendered. Payment in full is due within 28 days of each invoice date.
  13. All other conditions will be based on the ACE Conditions of Engagement 2009.
  14. Link Engineering shall only be liable for any losses incurred by the Client in respect of pollution or contamination and/or arising out of or in connection with pollution and contamination save to the extent that the claim is covered by professional indemnity insurance taken out by Link Engineering.