Cardiff BMX Racing Club
Llanrumney, Cardiff
Link was appointed by Cardiff BMX Racing Club to undertake the design of the flood risk and drainage elements of the development of a BMX track and associated facilities.
Link’s team prepared a package of work in support of a SuDS Approval Body application, which included:
- On-site drainage strategy drawings;
- 3D design of attenuation ponds and conveyance swales, to discharge surface runoff into the wetlands to the south at a suitable location. Completed in co-ordination with relevant design team parties;
- Long and cross sections of the proposed ponds, swales and outfall arrangements;
- SAB Application Documents.
The site had a tight boundary defined by existing fencing and high levels of groundwater and surface water flooding had been experienced in the area. In spite of these constraints, Link designed a robust drainage strategy both on-site and beyond the boundary to the point of outfall.
Team Member Contact
James Hall
Graduate Engineer
MEng (Hons)
Team Member Contact
Ferdi Jafar
Principal Engineer
BEng (Hons)